One-on-one consults
A supporter to help you wherever you are on your health journey to find the easiest, stress-free way of leading a healthy lifestyle. A bunch of different issues I can help include:
- Stress levels
- Mood
- Sleep
- Inflammation
- Immunity
- Energy or fatigue
- Weight loss
- Digestive issues
- Teenager’s health
- Young women
- Children’s health
Packages available
Individualised Meal Plans
Need a simple, affordable and delicious meal plan, look no further I can help you look at your week of eating with excitement and convenience.
Supermarket Tours
If you and a couple of friends or colleagues would like to know how to navigate the stressful aisles full of nutrition and health claims screaming at you from all sides, I can help find a way to help you understand and feel confident about finding healthy choices.
School Workshops
A wide range of topics can be covered, according to your school or class preferences including:
- Body image and insecurities around eating
- Healthy relationships around food
- Eating for more energy and focus
- Healthy food and happy mind
- Healthy lunchboxes
- Nutrition for active children or teenagers
- Many more topics that can even be for staff or teacher related.
Gym/Fitness Centre Speaking
If you or your gym would like to hear from a qualified nutritionist about the ins and outs of food and to break through the fads and myths about nutrition, contact me here.
Corporate health programs
Feeling stressed, tired and feel like health is just another chore, talks or consults are available for many topics to help your workplace feel more focused and healthier, ultimately leading to more efficient work produced.
Freelance Work/Article contribution
With experience in writing articles for different brands in the health industry, I can provide a qualified nutritionist’ knowledge towards any publications or articles.
Menu review/plan
Struggling to nutritionally balance the meals on your menu, or would you like a nutritionist approved menu at your cafe to help people know they can trust your food.